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ExperienceCare Specialty Pharmacy is Your Community’s Travel Vaccine Destination.

Are you planning to travel abroad for a business trip or a family vacation? If so, schedule an appointment for all of your Travel Medicine needs.

We offer Travel Medicine Consultation at NO COST to you!  The Pharmacist follows the recommendations set by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).


So whether you are in need of a consultation with vaccinations, or if you already have vaccination orders from your primary care physician and just need the vaccinations; we can help you at our Travel Immunization Specialized Care Center.

Most Common Travel Vaccines

                                                               Influenza                      Rabies

                                                                   Yellow fever                 Hepatitis A      

                                                                Meningococcal               Hepatitis B

                                                                      Typhoid                          Polio


Patient Education & Support Services

* Schedule a one on one session to discussus necessary antibiotics and OTCs

* Get recommended immunizations based on your travel destination from the CDC.

Call us today to make an appointment

We want you to be Healthy and Happy during your travels.


Be Social And Follow Us:

3730 Kirby Dr. Suite 210

   Houston, TX 77098


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 2021 ©ExperienceCareSpecialtyPharmacy 

Tel:  713-524-3330

Fax: 713-524-3990

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